Posts Tagged ‘french’

André François

March 3, 2010

André François is one of my absolute favorite illustrators/cartoonists of all time. I don’t see him talked about much anymore. In fact, I was completely unaware of his work until a year or two ago when I found a beat up old copy of The Half-Naked Knight (a collection of his drawings and cartoons from 1958) tucked away in the humor section of a used bookstore. I’ve since tried to track down as many collections of his work as I can find.

The guy was brilliant in every way! His sense of humor sharp, yet subtle. His drawings full of life, awkwardly loose and simple in the best possible way. I’ve consciously tried to let his drawings influence my own work over the last year or two. I had a real hard time resisting the urge to scan dozens and dozens of images from the books I’ve collected.